
Never Underestimate the Influence of the Tire

So little Q really likes our cat and loves to pet him. Unfortunately, the cat does not reciprocate that affection. We believe the cat lures Q to the bone pile (old tractor parts) in hopes of ditching him out there. The other day D went over and could hear Q talking but couldn’t actually see…

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The 9 Things You Should Know About “Me Happy”

It is definitely time I fill you in on little Q’s adventures in the last few months. I know, it’s been a while. I’m sorry, but I haven’t written for a while for a few reasons. One, I was busy working from home with a toddler and came back to the office with one less…

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Family Glamping

Glamping last weekend was what this little family needed. No cell service or TV! It was relaxing and wonderful to get away from all the general media negativity, even for a few moonlit nights. We hiked to check out other camping spot options and positively enjoyed being outdoors where it wasn’t our own yard. We…

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Time. What?! When??

Does anyone else run out of time to type up a good blog?? I promise I’ll have one next week. It’ll work. No really. It’s happening. Maybe don’t hold your breath. But it’ll be good. I’m sure. Okay, yep. In the meantime, here’s a picture of little Q driving the big tractor with daddy!

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Ready For The Weekend!

Little Q and I wanted to wish you a wonderful and safe weekend! Hopefully, you have sunshine where you are and it lasts for many, many days! We are excited for some sun before we receive more rain or crazy snow like earlier this week. Maybe we will have time to mow since it is…

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Adoption Heartbreak

For reasons I won’t specify, we recently decided to withdraw from the adoption opportunity that was presented to us in January. It was an extremely agonizing decision with numerous discussions with doctors, nurses, and people that have been in similar situations. Definitely one of the toughest decisions we’ve ever made. Even after we decided, we…

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Make a Change

“It’s not our job to toughen our children up to face a cruel and heartless world. It’s our job to raise children who will make the world a little less cruel and heartless.” – L. R. Knost Amen!! The Proverb “It takes a village to raise a child” is definitely true. Children watch and overhear…

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Unplug Your Life

“If we do not unplug we may miss the small still voice.” – M. Russell Ballard Much to my husband’s dismay, I am not one to have my phone with me constantly “just in case” I receive a text, call, or alert for a new post on Facebook or Instagram. If it’s important, they’ll leave…

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Monday Thankfulness

Today I am thankful. Thankful for my lovely family and that we are healthy. I genuinely admire my amazing husband for being the devoted father that my cherished son and I are so lucky to have in our lives. Our incredible jobs naturally take us away from spending all our time with our adorable son,…

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Outside Baby

Does it make us bad parents for letting him crawl around playing in the dirt and rocks without shoes? Never mind, don’t answer that. It would help all his pants if he would walk by himself though. He just LOVES being outside!

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Adoption #2 Update

We are relieved to hear the baby looks great from the ultrasound and that she’s having a boy!! My husband and I were not going to be picky, but we are thrilled for another baby boy. Ready to expand our family! Well, in July.

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Kudos to Social Media Moms

Hats off to the moms that show family pictures with everyone looking at the camera smiling in the beautiful, picturesque outdoor setting! Congratulations to those who work out which in turn possess fit bodies, even after children! Cheers to those who enjoy their picture taken and have perfect makeup and hair every day! I am…

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Remotes, Fans, and Baby Doll Head

Little Q is a mess. A hilarious, goofy, little mess! If I could capture pictures or videos of everything he does, we’d be rich. Any time he notices our phones are out, our tot wants to see himself in it then hold it with both hands so it’s unusable. Last night I opened a game…

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Be Grateful

I was sitting here thinking of everything in my life I am grateful for. There is much more to this list, but I figured I’d share some with you. Today I am grateful for: My husband Our precious son, Little Q Our new adoption opportunity Family Friends Our jobs Our home Food on our table…

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Passionately Organized People

My husband made fun of me last Saturday because I was downstairs by 6:30 AM, excited to go organize the basement along with capturing before pictures. Once it’s completely finished, it’ll make for some great before and after pictures, at least I hope so. There is currently a large pile for a garage sale, a…

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Adoption 101

Infertility affects an overwhelming number of people. According to, 1 in 8 couples (or 12% of married women) have trouble getting pregnant or sustaining a pregnancy. (2006-2010 National Survey of Family Growth, CDC) When dealing with infertility, it seems like you are the only one, but it also seems like the numbers should be…

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Lists, Bathtubs, and Faith

The realization that the laundry isn’t clean and put away, dust is stacking up on furniture, and the house hasn’t been picked up in a couple of days has sunk in. Everyone laughs and says that’s what happens when you have a baby and all the extras that come with them. I haven’t quite figured…

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Little Q is 1!

Little Q is now 1 year old!! It’s surprising how fast that time went and amazing how much we love him even more every day! He has blessed our family more than imagined and want to spend as much time as possible with him. My husband, D and I are grabbing all the snuggles we…

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Christmas Spirit

I have been struggling coming up with something to write about lately and while trying to concentrate on that topic my brain kicks over to what needs to get done before Christmas. Gifts mailed out, check. Christmas cards sent, check. Buy stocking stuffers, somewhat checked. Figure out what we’re doing for little Q’s birthday a few…

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Holiday Traditions

Santa, trees, and elves! Lights, music, and food! Establishing traditions while little Q’s a baby seems like the most appropriate time, even though I’m certain we’ll add to over the years. Q saw Santa for the first time this weekend and we are planning to take their picture together soon. To begin with, we had to point Santa…

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Holiday Kindness

The holidays can be stressful and hard. The hassle of acquiring the perfect gift or conceiving what you want to get but can’t find it, more traffic, money pressures, crowded stores, and congested parking lots. Planning and preparing a meal(s), setting up decorations, baking, and attending programs and parties. It can be traumatic and taxing, especially for…

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National Adoption Month – Our Adoption Story

Children are amazing, truthful, funny, intelligent, and so full of energy. I love kids! I’d like to share our adoption journey in the hopes it may help others who are possibly pursuing that option. It takes a great deal of work, makes you think about different circumstances, and situations, but is absolutely worth every second…

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Laundry is done, however not put away, little Q is teething and is getting over a cold, the house needs to be vacuumed, and we looked up what needs to be accomplished to renew our passports but didn’t start it. The house still isn’t decluttered, the baby wet through his diaper so his sheets need…

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Live Life!

Approximately 151,600 people die each day around the world according to That’s 6,316 each hour! I’ve been remembering family and friends who have passed away too early, for me anyway. Lung cancer in a lady who never smoked, a mother with multiple children getting brain cancer, a father’s heart stopping, and numerous others. I don’t…

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Toddler Entertainment

We were recently sitting at a restaurant with little Q in his high chair just letting out screams. Big, happy screams mind you, but screams, nonetheless. He then smiles big before more screams escape. At least the table close to us didn’t seem to mind or notice from what I could tell. They must have noticed he was…

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On a Sober Note…

There are 25 million Americans affected by substance abuse with an additional 40 million indirectly affected including family members per Mental Health America. says about 42.5 million suffer from mental disabilities every year including bipolar, schizophrenia and depression, which is one in five people. I have multiple family and friends who have substance abuse issues and/or…

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Real, Genuine People

Recently, I was out of town and encountered a number of people who would renew your faith in the humanity. Countless stories about a selfless lady who pulled over to help someone change a tire without hesitation, a man snow blowing the whole block’s driveways in the winter because he could, and a couple that spreads…

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Gotcha Day!

It was a gorgeous, sunny day up in the mountains with a slight breeze to keep you cool from the sun being closer. We arrived early in case there were traffic issues and it was an important appointment not to be late for. After we found a place to park, we fed Q chicken and rice with…

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Pool Party!

My husband took a picture of me last night in a blow up pool erected in the living room who then texted friends to establish if an intervention were required for me. Okay, so it was a little large for the living room, but I intended to purchase a big pool to play in so…

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Living Healthier

Little Q is sitting up on his own and is super close to crawling so we ought to be in better shape to have the energy to chase him around and tell him “no”. He’s creating bigger messes, rolling further under furniture and into other rooms, drooling on more floors and surfaces than needed, and…

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Community Service

“Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And, if you can’t help them, at least don’t hurt them.”  Dalai Lama My husband and I help with the harvest festival that’s been celebrated for over 100 years in the small town we live by. A couple of us are gathering items for games,…

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7 Month Old Parenting

Parenting a 7 month old is somewhat easy, so far. They haven’t quite figured out precisely what you’re saying yet, but appear to understand and they look so endearing smiling up at you while waiting for you to smile back. When I tell him “No” he looks at me all serious and after a few…

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Eating Healthier

The Greek poet Hesiod said “moderation in all things” which, sadly, also encompasses food. I have a big sweet tooth and love bread! A great start, right? Well, my husband and I are in our 40’s so we need to stay healthy to be here for our son as long as we possibly can. We…

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Clutter Management

I hate clutter and we have it! At night I run around picking things up, putting things away, and as soon as I feel like everything is somewhat under control, we get mail with magazines, other toys pulled out for Q, pots, pans, and food hauled out to start dinner and in under 30 minutes it…

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Managing Time

Squirrel!! I am like Dug, the dog in “Up” where he gets utterly distracted when he sees a squirrel. I start putting laundry away and (squirrel) see something that needs to go to the living room, then tromp out there to (squirrel) remember I needed to text someone yesterday and (squirrel), I really need to…

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Our Little Family Adventures

Little Q is 7 months old right now and he’s been camping, enjoyed a couple of family reunions out of state, we constructed a little fort in the living room that we all played in, cooled off swimming, and hiked in the mountains. That’s not too bad for 7 months! Family activities should be a…

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Baby Love

Babies eat, sleep and poop. Yep. There is also bathing, cuddling, napping, playing, cleaning bottles and clothes, reading books, making stuffed animals talk, having a funny noises contests, making mommy and daddy laugh until they cry, going for walks, and taking a bunch of pictures. Babies take a great deal of time, but he’s growing…

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The Start of Our Adventure

I love children, family, organizing, chocolate and I LOVE Pinterest! I hate my picture taken and multiple vegetables. I need to get in better shape, but dislike working out. I like to bake but I don’t because I don’t need to eat it and I will. I would like to learn photography, Spanish (other than…

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