Blog, Children, Community, Enjoy life, Family, Kindness, Lifestyle, Parenting

Community Service

“Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And, if you can’t help them, at least don’t hurt them.”  Dalai Lama

My husband and I help with the harvest festival that’s been celebrated for over 100 years in the small town we live by. A couple of us are gathering items for games, ordering food, filling the schedule, and getting all the little details ironed out since it is coming up quickly. Q isn’t quite old enough to do much yet but he will be there this year for moral support and flirt with all the girls. It must be something in the male DNA because he loves the girls. He gives out kisses and will slobber all over them if they let him! It is beneficial that he is so adorable! Grandma and Grandpa are coming here to feed, nap with, and look out for him so his dad and I can run around like crazy fools. It will be fun even though he won’t remember his first festival. Maybe he can ride in the fire truck with his daddy during the parade and I’ll take pictures.

Anyway, we want Q to learn that the world does not revolve around him and that helping in his community can make a difference, even if it’s just to try to keep this little community together. Whether he is coloring pictures for a nursing home, taking old towels and blankets to an animal shelter, drawing pictures for the VA hospital veterans, making a thank you card for the lady who delivers the mail, or taking old toys and movies to the children’s hospital, he needs to know there are other people who need help and love too. It is our job to inspire these values in his life and more in ours also. In any case, little Q will be out slobbering, showing off his big 2 teeth smile, and supporting all of us running around! That’s rather respectable for community service for a 7 month old.


Little Q was really tired and ended up sleeping through the parade so I didn’t get any pictures of him there. The late afternoon got rained out, but we got everything put away early and got to spend some time playing with him instead. He did get to show off his 2 pearly whites and laughed a lot when he was there though.

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